Our Mission
To provide our clients with the highest quality, evidence based care to ensure their personal goals and best outcomes are achieved in the optimum period of time
To ensure that our team of health care professionals continue to stay up to date with the latest evidence in order to deliver highest quality of care

What We Do
Our team of highly trained and experienced professionals specialize in analysing and treating problems relating to the body’s joints/muscles/fascia/ligaments and nervous systems
Your therapist will conduct a detailed assessment of your primary concern(s) by first going through structured questioning, followed by a detailed clinical examination involving testing pain generating structures and detailed observation of movement patterns
We then take time to educate you on the causes of the problem, address any questions pertaining to their primary concern(s), and clearly explain how we can work together to help resolve/improve the condition
We also provide clients with the tools to self-manage their conditions via an individualized treatment plan specific to their needs and goals

Low back and neck pain/sciatica
Thoracic outlet syndrome
Plantar fasciitis
Repetitive strain injuries/carpal tunnel syndrome
Rotator cuff injuries/shoulder dislocation
Chronic/persistent pain conditions
Joint arthritis/post joint replacement and fracture surgery rehab
Sports injuries/muscle strain/ligament sprain/
tendonitis/tendinopathy/tennis elbow
Visit Us
Aurora Clinic
10 Mosley Street, Unit #2
Aurora, ON L4G 1J6
Tel: 905-713-1209
Fax: 905-713-6581
Email: auroraclinic.bayviewphysio@gmail.com
Online Booking
Bayview Phyiostherpay
Pure Fitness
20 Brentcliffe Rd #4
Toronto, ON M4G 0C6
Tel: 437 880-5530
Fax: 437 880-5532
Email: torontoclinic.bayviewphysio@gmail.com
Online Booking